[#bugs] frq: eating a yondercane and having the TP fail currently just destroys the yond...

Issue #10320 wontfix
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: crumpled sheet of paper

Message (jump):

<petrak@, Nitpicker-of-Bugs [💽]> frq: eating a yondercane and having the TP fail currently just destroys the yondercane; given it's completely random if it fails or not it would be nice if it either succeeded more often, or didn't consume the cane. (looking at the code, it looks like the "The teleportation fails!" msg pops up if it's not possible to reach the target place it randomly selects within the range by walking from where you are. yondercane is really an emergency item, not a fun teleport around item (as seen in In Maqqom Yd), so i think it would make sense for it to just dump you somewhere)

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