Sunder Mind Stops Working Once The Cooldown Gets Low Enough?

Issue #10556 open
Goob created an issue

My Level 38 Esper character has recently just gotten the 3-pointed Chavvah Asterisk, however soon after he gained this boost in willpower from the item, I noticed that my Sunder Mind ability ceased working on every enemy I tried it on. His concentration would slip the same turn I would activate the ability. After manually lowering my willpower by a few points via wish, I confirm that high willpower seems to be what’s causing the issue, as it started to work again, but as of writing this it has once again stopped working. Attached is my character sheet. The cooldown for Sunder Mind is currently 16 rounds.

Comments (4)

  1. Goob reporter

    Here’s the save by the way. Only 4 cosmetic mods installed. Very minor things, like choosing your character model and randomizing the highly entropic beings “Live and Drink” greeting.

  2. Ashe

    It’s specifically the Chavvah asterisk that causes this, you lose your target with the “lose them in the psychic aether” fail message

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