[#bugs] Feature Request (and Raising Indrix spoiler): ||Indrix will attack a player who ...

Issue #10671 wontfix
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Sol, slimy sky above salt desert

Message (jump):

<...._.> Feature Request (and Raising Indrix spoiler): ||Indrix will attack a player who speaks to him while wielding the amaranthine prism, but he will not attack a companion who wields the prism. Of course, companions can't speak to people on their own, so they can't activate the fight through dialogue as a player can. Thus, I propose that Indrix attack a companion who wields the amaranthine prism on sight (and it would be nice if he would also attack a player who wields it on sight), or that Indrix attack the companion when the player speaks to him. He should probably also attack the player for associating with someone who wields the prism.||

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