[#bugs] Under certain conditions, it appears that stepping on a junk dollar does not act...

Issue #10730 invalid
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<kernelmethod> Under certain conditions, it appears that stepping on a junk dollar does not actually cause it to explode. I'm not sure exactly what causes this but the following steps seem to reproduce it:

  1. Start a new game
  2. Wish in Junk Dollars and walk over the junk dollars; you should only get a message that you're passing them by.
  3. Save your game, quit Caves of Qud, and restart the program.
  4. Reload the saved game.
  5. Wish in some new Junk Dollars. The new junk dollars should explode, while the ones you previously spawned should still give the You pass by a junk dollar message.

Save attached for good measure.

Comments (5)

  1. kernelmethod

    Ah, the junk dollars that I was wishing to reproduce this in were spawning as neutral. The other player who originally encountered this issue also had neutral urchin rep.

    (It’s strange that the default attitude of the junk dollars was neutral and switched to hostile after a save + reload, but that’s a separate issue.)

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