Slugsnout with missing forefoot can't use missile weapon

Issue #10743 open
Psa Gab created an issue

I was fighting a slugsnout and chopped off its forefoot. Afterwards, it couldn’t shoot slugs at me anymore and had to resort to melee. The slugsnout’s description implies that the slugs are shot from them snout, so removing a foot should not disable its ability to shoot. Removing the face should, in my opinion.

Addendum: I have tested the slugsnout some more, using wishes. Apparently the behavior is working as intended: A slugsnout with a dismembered tail, foreleg or hind leg will use its slug weapon, with a dismembered face it will not use its slug weapon. In every case, it will show the attached description “and therefore can’t use its missile weapon and its thrown weapon”. If the description is meant to be like this, the issue can be closed in my opinion.

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