Cmd-f on Mac toggles fullscreen, often breaking the game

Issue #10799 open
Trione created an issue

Version on Mac

Cmd-f toggles fullscreen mode, which often breaks the game on Mac. This isn’t a built in Mac shortcut (which is ctrl-cmd-f), this is something Qud does, which should be removed or at least editable in the controls, since it breaks the game.

Comments (6)

  1. Trione reporter

    I found the “ignored keys” option and added cmd+f, which works to prevent accidentally hitting that.

  2. Trione reporter

    Sorry for being dramatic, it didn’t break the app, just caused a display/resolution issue, which I saw has been reported.

    I’ve tried this a bit more and it hasn’t broken the display like it did the first couple times I hit it on accident. I think it might happen when fullscreen is entered/exited through different methods, like cmd-f, game settings, or the mac menu-bar button? When it did happen, changing the resolution settings to and from the default and opening and closing the game a bit fixed it.

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