[#bugs] I think the turbow penetration isnt showing up correctly. Ive got one loaded wit...

Issue #10807 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<slamington7777> I think the turbow penetration isnt showing up correctly. Ive got one loaded with a wooden arrow but it shows a pen of 17 when it should be a max of 10

Comments (5)

  1. Autumn [wading]

    not sure where the “should be a max of 10” comes from, i asked for clarification and will provide an update if i get one

    equipping different arrow types has no effect on the PV, which at 18 strength is displayed as 5. at 22 strength, PV = 7, which indicates that the strength scaling is working correctly.

    i can’t make heads or tails of the debug text around penetration, so i’m not certain the strength scaling is functioning as intended, but it does seem to get more penetrations in general with higher strength so it seems to be.

  2. Autumn [wading]

    got it, shoutout to kelly for helping me with this one:

    the different arrow types have a StrengthPenetration defined in the XML that is supposed to (or at least, previously had?) cap the max PV bonus you can get from strength.

    short bows do not use this value at all as they have no ProjectilePenetrationStat assigned, and fire all arrows at 4 PV.

    turbows and compound bows ignore the value entirely, allowing unlimited PV scaling based on strength. if i recall, this might have been an intended change to buff bows, in which case StrengthPenetration is seemingly an obsolete value. the original report only noted it because it was info on the wiki

  3. Ashe

    I see what’s going on here now.
    Using debug penetration, we can see that the max is definitely being applied correctly: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/449667247297003520/1204694702641774632/arrow_pons.png
    Against a target of AV 2 less than PV though (i.e. A 0PV enemy against the 2PV wooden arrow because of #7887), you will never fail a triplet roll until your current PV is reduced to a point that it can fail the target: https://i.imgur.com/jCgfAMQ.png
    This leads you to be misled that it’s actually uncapped, when in reality it is functioning as it should, and penetration is just weird behind the scenes.
    That being said, it is displaying as uncapped (https://i.imgur.com/OBqqUCs.png) and that’s the bug here assuming the goal is to have turbow and compound bow PV still be capped based on the StrengthPenetration values on the arrows (which appears to be handled by XRL.World.GetMissileWeaponPerformanceEvent.GetFor which is prompted by XRL.World.Parts.MissileWeapon.MissileHit which gets its info from XRL.World.Parts.MissileWeapon.FireEvent).

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