[#bugs] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/447175754330144781/1204818571910455326/im...

Issue #10830 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: xuv8r

Message (jump):

<s.ol> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/447175754330144781/1204818571910455326/image.png

Can we get some form of prevention or warning so that you don't get instantly consumed by krakens on entering a new screen to the point where the new screen doesn't even load

Comments (4)

  1. Autumn [wading]

    Now that I'm looking more closely at it, it actually literally doesn't make any sense that I was consumed.

    1. Krakens actually never change their idle movement angle unless they hit the edge of the world. The only time they consume stuff in any other direction is if they aggro something, at which point they'll chase after it, but they'll never change screens while doing this, and once they finish targeting that enemy, they immediately travelling along their original angle.
    2. As they travel idly, they trace a rasterized line. Taken together with the angle it was travelling (which you can see by the above picture), that means that it would never naturally touch any tile at the screen edge other than the one it first entered the screen at, which I knew from when I first tried to move into the zone and bumped into it.

    Literally the only way I could have been eaten like this is if the zone unthawed while I was trying to dig into it, something else on the other screen attacked the kraken and caused it to aggro, moved into the exact tile that I was trying to move into right before I moved there, causing the kraken to backtrack and target the tile adjacent to the screen edge at the exact moment that I traveled to that screen. Said other creature would also either need to be neutral or friendly to me (so that I swap positions with it) or if it was a hostile creature, it would need to have also moved out of the way at the exact moment I tried to move to the screen (otherwise I would have attacked it instead of moving myself).
    It's not literally impossible but it's such incredibly bad luck that it borders on nonsensical.

  2. Brian Bucklew repo owner

    the first time a PC enters the zone even if an NPC has forced the generation they should get a free turn

  3. Autumn [wading]

    Related: https://bitbucket.org/bbucklew/cavesofqud-public-issue-tracker/issues/10864/bugs-auto-explore-attempts-to-path-through

    Attached bug is possibly the cause for this, here’s my theory for the chain of events:

    The kraken leaves the screen and then stays in place. The player attempts to move into the same tile as the kraken, causing it (due to the above-linked bug) to initiate a move-eat-action toward the player tile. Presumably due to some quickness/turn order randomization or something, it executes the eat-move before the player gets another action (possibly the player loses some energy attempting to swap with the kraken and being swapped back?) thus causing the death.

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