Inconsistant functioning of turns/rounds

Issue #10833 wontfix
Trione created an issue


The words turn/round are often used in two functionally different ways, making some things contradictory/confusing.

The Game Info window, from the Esc menu, gives the current turn. When not fast-traveling, this counter follows the turn explanation in the help menu and wiki, i.e. a turn is the full use of our action points. So when we have MS:200, moving has half the action cost, and it takes ~two moves to increment one turn. However, a lot of mechanics say they use turns/rounds, but instead treat any action, such as a move with MS:200, as a full round.

One clear example is the ability Phasing, which says “Cooldown: _ rounds, Duration: _ rounds”. The former “rounds” work by the Game Info turn definition, whereas the latter “rounds” treat any player action with an action cost as a full round.

Comments (5)

  1. Trione reporter

    Couldn’t we at least update things to accurately differentiate rounds and actions? Or have rounds mean the same thing for durations and cooldowns?

    I had a friend bounce off the game when they ran into this in the first hour of playing. It sucks when the very first ability a player uses in a game acts bugged.

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