Artifiact learned with psychometry still unidentified at merchant

Issue #10937 open
Trione created an issue


Had learned to build sniper rifles with psychometry, but could not identify one held by a merchant. No modifier on the rifle.

I think I first identified sniper rifles this run with tech-scanning.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    <s.ol> I was actually dealing with the same issue on my current run for a very long time. I got techscanning very early on and kept that on for a very long time. When I finally switched to something else in my faceslot, I was dealing with unidentified artifacts that were literally the same as items I already had equipped as well as numerous items I'd seen before in the run. When you identify objects via techscanning, the game does not seem to remember that you now know what an object is.

  2. Ashe
    • changed status to open

    The items you already have stay identified which makes it a little confusing. Perhaps all items techscanned should revert to their ‘partially identified’ state and require identifying manually?

  3. Trione reporter

    That behavior was intended, I assumed, but what I was trying to report could be an unintended consequence of it. I like the idea of reverting to partially identified, though.

    The specific bit I was trying to report is that one can have learned to build an item with psychometry, but still not be able to identify it. Likely a consequence of the above, but I haven’t confirmed.

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