[beta] Resolving anatomy with the cloaca surprise

Issue #110 resolved
syntaxaire created an issue

Someone was wondering in #qud-chat whether the Cloaca surprise was bugged, so I tested it in the latest beta. From a character with two headed, multiple arms, multiple legs, and burrowing claws, the body layout afterwards is attached:

Just wondering whether this is all as intended.

Comments (5)

  1. syntaxaire reporter

    Here’s one with Horns, Multiple Arms, Multiple Legs, Carapace, and Hooks for Feet. This one seems wrong because this is after receiving the message, “You have lost all of your lower hands.”

  2. syntaxaire reporter

    Potential additional complication with regular vs. overlay inventory:

    [6:40 PM] Lampreys-for-days: While Cloaca surprise doesn't remove your extra limb slots or natural equipment anymore, it does remove one set of hands from the overlay UI (the regular equipment screen still shows them); strangely enough, it's the second pair of hands that remains visible (so there's left hand (2) and right hand (2) but not left hand (1) or right hand (1)).

  3. chaos

    Layouts are fine. "Lower hands" message is suboptimal but not worth worrying about. Overlay paperdoll issue will be fixed in beta next patch.

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