[#bugs] Condensing further Hamsa considerations into fewer messages since this is turnin...

Issue #11095 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<s.ol> Condensing further Hamsa considerations into fewer messages since this is turning into a lot:
•Force Bracelet feels as though it should provide Force Bubble instead of the default +6 AV.
•Precision nanon fingers feel as though they should provide an inherent +crit chance instead of their current default +6 AV.
•Circles of Light feel as though they should grant +MP and/or +AP on creation, or provide a flat +1 to all mutations, rather than their current +6 AV.
•Stopsvalinn feels as though it should either convert itself into a gigantic version that the golem can equip, or at least provide the golem with all shield skills and a random high tier gigantic shield.
•Kindrish feels like it should provide a +3 bonus to the golem's lowest stats on creation - or convert itself into a gigantic version that the golem can equip.
•Crystalline Halo feels like it should either convert itself into a gigantic version, or provide Quicken Mind and/or Telepathy.
•Sultan Faces should convert themselves into a gigantic version the golem can equip, and then share its effects with you if it has the appropriate incantation effect.
•Cooking books seem like it'd be appropriate to give the golem all cooking/gathering skills directly, instead of the default +800 SP. (Technically this makes them worse, but...)
•Corpus Choliys feels like it ought to have a disease and infection-related effect instead of the default 800 SP.
•Most tinkering related items grant Precognition 10, but toolkits only provide a default +800 SP bonus.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    <s.ol> Batch 2 of Hamsa considerations:
    •Clay Pot feels like it should provide itself as a gigantic version, in case you have a plant golem of some type.
    •Mental Aggregator feels like it should provide Mental Shield, in case you don't already have it from the base golem type.
    •Billowing Conch of the Aji feels like it should offer a random gas generation or breath mutation.
    •Crystalline Jile feels like it should modify the golem's metachrome weapons to attack MA instead of AV, considering it's a very unique item.
    •Flowers, Crystal Flowers, and other similar plants feel like they should offer Burgeoning.
    •Flattened Remains feel like they should offer Wings 10 as a unique little easter egg (As every other thing that offers Wings 10 only gives a 50/50 chance of Wings 10)
    •Sated Dreamcrungle feels like it should offer Crungling Gaze like using a crungle aztmus does.
    •Normality Gas Pump provides Normality Gas Generation 10, but Defoliant Pump and Fungicide Pumps provide no comparable bonus.
    •For some reason, all types of ammo have a 50/50 chance of buffing melee action costs? This seems incorrect.
    •Drop of Nectar feels like it should have the +2 all stats effect, rather than +25% HP.
    •Psychal Gland and Psychal Gland Paste feel like they should have the 'reveal secrets on creation' effect, rather than the default food HP effect.
    •Preserved tonics ought to have the same effect as their unpreserved injector versions in general, rather than the default food HP effect.
    •Bananas feel like they should grant Psychometry 10, rather than the default food HP effect.
    •Phase web and phase silk feel like they should have a chance between granting Phasing 10, and Spinnerets, instead of the default food HP effect.

    Batch 3 of Hamsa considerations:
    •Solar Cells feel like they should offer Photosynthetic Skin as a unique option.
    •Mirror Shards and Kalaedocera items feel like they should grant Reflectively Shielded as a unique option. All of those items currently only offer the default bonuses of their item type.
    •Slogparts and Slog's annunclus feel as though they should offer Bilge Sphincter when used as a hamsa.
    •Food that's related to meals that offer flat stat buffs feel like they're better off offering stat bonuses that relate to the bonuses they cook into. For example, Vanta Petals grant +6 DV, Lover Blossom grants +8 Ego, Humble Pies grant -10 Ego, and so on.
    •Food cubes do not offer the same bonuses as Canned-Have-It-All and Wild Rice, despite having the same type of effect as those. Instead, it only has the default food effect.
    •Freeze Ray feels like it should provide the Freeze Ray mutation. Flamethrower feels as though it should offer the flaming ray mutation. Both of these currently offer the default missile weapon bonus.
    •Blast Cannon feels like it should provide Stunning Force 10.
    •Arc Winders, Prayer Rods, and other electric weapons feel like they should offer Electric Generation 10.
    •Blood Gradient Hand Vacuum feels like it should either provide Siphon Vim, or provide the same life drain effect that blood catalyst provides.
    •Spaser Weapons feel like they should offer Plasma Generation 10 to be in line with other gas generation bonuses.
    •Psychal Fleshgun feels like it should offer +8 ego as a bonus option.

    Batch 4 of Hamsa considerations:
    •Plastifer Chem Vest feels like it should offer Immune to Overdosage as a bonus option.
    •Pocketed Vest, nylon backpack, and Molly Netting feel like they should offer +1000% carry weight as a bonus option, like waterskins do.
    •Enigma Cone and Enigma Cap feel like they should offer Confusion 10.
    •Gas Tumbler could maybe have the fun effect of offering 2 random gas generation abilities.
    •Powered Exoskeleton feels like it should offer 8 STR instead of 6 AV.
    •Witchwood Wreath should probably offer the same bonuses as Witchwood Bark.
    •Knollworm Skull feels like it should offer +8 ego as a bonus option.
    •Electric Snail Shell feels like it should offer ElecGen 10.
    •Fork-horned Helm feels like it should offer Horns.
    •Miner's Helmet and Headlamp feel like they should offer Light Manipulation 10, like other light sources.
    •Ganglionic Teleprojector feels like it should offer Domination.
    •Beaded Bracelets feel like they should offer +8 Ego like other trade goods instead of +6 AV like other bracelets.
    •Transkinetic Cuffs feel like they should offer +hot/cold resist.
    •Point Defense Drone feels like it should offer +6 DV, not +6 AV.

  2. Ashe

    Most of these would require new code so I’ll also make a shortlist of the ones that only need to be tagged for existing effects:

    •Flattened Remains feel like they should offer Wings 10 as a unique little easter egg (As every other thing that offers Wings 10 only gives a 50/50 chance of Wings 10)
    •Drop of Nectar feels like it should have the +2 all stats effect, rather than +25% HP.
    •Preserved tonics ought to have the same effect as their unpreserved injector versions in general, rather than the default food HP effect.
    •Bananas feel like they should grant Psychometry 10, rather than the default food HP effect.
    •Phase web and phase silk feel like they should have a chance between granting Phasing 10, and Spinnerets, instead of the default food HP effect.
    •Arc Winders, Prayer Rods, and other electric weapons feel like they should offer Electric Generation 10.
    •Psychal Fleshgun feels like it should offer +8 ego as a bonus option.
    •Plastifer Chem Vest feels like it should offer Immune to Overdosage as a bonus option.
    •Pocketed Vest, nylon backpack, and Molly Netting feel like they should offer +1000% carry weight as a bonus option, like waterskins do.
    •Enigma Cone and Enigma Cap feel like they should offer Confusion 10.
    •Knollworm Skull feels like it should offer +8 ego as a bonus option.
    •Miner's Helmet and Headlamp feel like they should offer Light Manipulation 10, like other light sources.
    •Beaded Bracelets feel like they should offer +8 Ego like other trade goods instead of +6 AV like other bracelets.

    Also definitely don’t overlook

    For some reason, all types of ammo have a 50/50 chance of buffing melee action costs? This seems incorrect.

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