Cannot Clone Myself (or gain budding effect)

Issue #11119 open
mistersoja created an issue

When I try to clone MYSELF (a legendary Snapjaw I gained by permanently dominating) through any of the below means, nothing happens. No Error Message, nothing.

  • Drinking Cloning Draught
  • Pouring Cloning Draught over myself
  • Eating Cloing Draught as part of a meal - the message that I will spawn 1-3 clones appears, but I do not actually gain the budding-effect

What does work:

  • wishing “clone” to create a clone
  • pouring Cloning Draught on other creatures

Other information:

  • clones I gained by wishing also do not bud when I pour cloning draught over them, implying something with my current creature “plan” is bugged.
  • I do not know since when this bug existed. I do know that I was able to clone myself with my previous, original body, but I never tried to clone the new one until now.

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