Landing Pads is tedious and unrewarding

Issue #11129 open
John Snail created an issue

Landing Pads' 600 reputation requirement is wildly unreasonable for every valid faction other than the Barathrumites and Mechanimists, requiring dozens of water rituals, legendary kills, or a couple Schrodinger pages per faction. It took a 30-hour run for me to get the 10-pointed asterisk, and the effect I got was useless in comparison to the time spent, since convincing more factions also drastically decreases the chance of the asterisk giving an effect beneficial to your already godly run. I really thought it’d give the effects of every considered faction at once; maybe it should do that instead of making one effect stronger.

It really should just be 600 (revered) for Barathrumites and Mechanimists, 250 (favoured) for everyone else. It’d also incentivise doing random village quests better!

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