Legendary furniture encounter is too exceedingly rare

Issue #11176 wontfix
John Snail created an issue

I have over 1,000 hours of playtime and have done countless runs, and I have never seen this encounter once. Which is a huge shame as well, because it might be one of the coolest random encounters in the game. The denominator of 5000 immensely underestimates how rare legendaries are; runs that reach Tomb of the Eaters typically don’t see more than 10, most runs don’t see more than a few. Some characters may not even see that a legendary is in the zone.

An actually reasonable but still exceedingly rare chance would be 1/300 or 1/400. It’d be just rare enough to be really special, but just common enough for people to actually encounter it and break up the monotony of current legendary encounters.

Comments (4)

  1. John Snail reporter

    What encounter are you referring to? I know they can spawn as lairs but that’s not 1/5000

    Just generic legendary spawns, they have a 1/5000 chance to be replaced with legendary furniture. The odds are so insanely low I’ve never even seen any other longtime players document encountering it in years.

    I don’t usually mind wontfixes but I do hope this particular one is reconsidered; 1/5000 is perfectly fine for the other GetACreature calls since they’re easily used hundreds of times per run, but legendaries are at least 10 times rarer.

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