[#bugs] from some experimentation it's possible to get dreamcrungled into a mech.not r...

Issue #11197 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: kernelmethod

Message (jump):

<kernelmethod> from some experimentation it's possible to get dreamcrungled into a mech.

not really a problem unless you run out of juice or have exceptionally bad luck and are crungled into an abandoned mech. If nobody is around then you're stuck crungled forever while waiting for somebody to end your nightmare waking dream

Comments (3)

  1. kernelmethod

    possibly a ⛲, getting permanently stuck in the mind of an unpowered mech unable to do something is a fascinating possibility, but if so it should probably at least be accompanied by an appropriate death message rather than making players pass turns indefinitely

    (this came up as a result of a different issue that a player was experiencing, the probability of getting crungled into a mech is extremely low)

  2. John Snail

    This reminds me of the old slumberling hardlock, it’s probably a bug. In my opinion it’d be a huge letdown to get so lucky as to wake up as a mecha, only to eventually die instantly (and lose Willpower).

    I say swap control to the pilot if the mecha runs out of power. If there’s no pilot, screw it, let the player keep playing.

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