Make Mass Mind more casually usable

Issue #11210 open
John Snail created an issue

Currently, Mass Mind is rather unappealing for builds that aren’t pure espers and/or deliberately going after psychic hunters, for two reasons:

  1. Extremely high cooldown at level 1, but extremely low cooldown at just level 9.
  2. Uncapped glimmer scaling.

I would change the cooldown formula to 320 - 20 * Level (cooldown would cap at 100 at 11 instead of 9, no big deal for the aforementioned builds), and stop incrementing GlimmerModifier if equal to or above 9 * level (effectively making Mass Mind grant 10 glimmer per level).

This would make Mass Mind useful and (relatively) safe at low levels for mixed builds, while still being powerful and giving obscene amounts of glimmer to late-game pure espers and psychic hunter farmers.

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