Geomagnetic Discs and multiple throwing slots

Issue #11282 duplicate
Zerus created an issue

Having multiple thrown weapon slots through a grafted mirror arm and using geomagnetic discs causes some inconsistency and strange slot behavior, and I’m not sure what is intended and what is not. Equipping a geomagnetic disc in both thrown weapon slots causes them to collide and drop instantly when thrown.

Once this happens, the discs will be in both your thrown slots, and on the ground simultaneously, and they cannot be thrown or unequipped. If picked up, they can be dropped, but this does not remove them from your thrown weapon slots. If you interact with them through the equipment screen, you can Get them from anywhere, as though you were standing on top of them.

Removing the grafted mirror arm correctly returns one of the discs to your inventory, and seems to fix the extra thrown slot, but the first (base) slot remains corrupted.

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