[#bugs] Assuming I'm reading `` XRL.World.ZoneBuilders.Village`` correctly, it seems tha...

Issue #11451 invalid
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<a_blessed_feline> Assuming I'm reading XRL.World.ZoneBuilders.Village correctly, it seems that when the method generateTinker creates a nonhuman village tinker, it always gives it Village Tinker 1 as its population table, rather than assigning it an inventory based on the zone tier as the human village tinkers have. The same also seems to be true for village apothecaries

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    restocker.Table = baseMerchant.GetTag("GenericInventoryRestockerPopulationTable", "Village Tinker 1");

    this pulls the basemerchant's value for this tag and only uses Village Tinker 1 as a default.

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