[#beta-bugs] World generation hanging at the first step occassionally```INFO - Beginning wo...

Issue #11486 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent> World generation hanging at the first step occassionally
INFO - Beginning world build for seed: 70afdab1-e073-4780-9489-b55cd0bfa54b ERROR - Booting game :System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () [0x00013] in <dc753a1061284f8e971ee88ee4826eee>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x0004a] in <dc753a1061284f8e971ee88ee4826eee>:0 at XRL.World.MinEvent.ResetPools () [0x00019] in <2c2afd5c34cc45469351247224b9cb7c>:0 at XRL.World.Event.ResetPool (System.Boolean resetMinEventPools) [0x00080] in <2c2afd5c34cc45469351247224b9cb7c>:0 at XRL.UI.WorldCreationProgress.NextStep (System.String Text, System.Int32 TotalSteps) [0x00079] in <2c2afd5c34cc45469351247224b9cb7c>:0 at XRL.CharacterBuilds.Qud.QudGameBootModule.bootGame (XRL.XRLGame game, XRL.CharacterBuilds.EmbarkInfo info) [0x00054] in <2c2afd5c34cc45469351247224b9cb7c>:0 at XRL.CharacterBuilds.EmbarkInfo.bootGame (XRL.XRLGame game) [0x00014] in <2c2afd5c34cc45469351247224b9cb7c>:0 at XRL.Core.XRLCore.NewGame () [0x000eb] in <2c2afd5c34cc45469351247224b9cb7c>:0

Comments (5)

  1. Ashe

    This can occur unmodded, and seems to not reproduce unless you close the game and restart it then do new game

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