Gun Rack and Motorized Treads slots are duplicated when entering Brightsheol

Issue #11561 open
Michael Simon created an issue

Similar to , gun rack and motorized treads also create duplicative slots. No mods, Roleplay mode. 760f5c8a-e3d0-46e6-9263-7b097ca73408. They do go away when you return to the wet life as reported on 10929.

Weird observed quirks:

  • The auto-equip process in Brightsheol does take advantage of the extra slots (seen in the attached screenshot.)
  • Marking the cybernetics important in the cybernetics menu makes them important in the equipment menu while in Brightsheol. After returning to the wet life, that importance is gone. (Possibly a second instance of the cybernetic implants being the ones exposed in those menus?)
  • Auto-equip also forced a firefly into my hovering nearby slot, but reincarnating did not destroy it via removal.

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