[#beta-bugs] If I may suggest something: I am a controller player and I really think the tabs...

Issue #11575 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: dilute entropic Sol

Message (jump):

<Kid Qudi> If I may suggest something: I am a controller player and I really think the tabs at the top would flow better if it was Inventory -> Tinkering -> Journal -> Quests. I know it's only one extra input but over time, it feels like a lot. I say this because when I am doing tinkering and comparing things, hitting LB twice to get to Inventory feels like 1 step too many when it's a repeated process. Same thing for going to journal to quest, hitting RB twice to do it to go back and forth between those menus especially seems awkward.

Not saying my way is correct or anything but just my thoughts since I play 100% with a controller.

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