Can't buy Tinkering I despite meeting requirements

Issue #1160 resolved
Former user created an issue

My character's intelligence is 21. I wanted to buy tinkering I, which requires intelligence 19, but it shows the intelligence requirement in red and when I try to buy it, it says my intelligence isn't high enough. I don't know if the intelligence requirement is actually higher and I need to boost my INT, or if it's just not reading my attributes properly, but I can't really continue with this character until I have it figured out. (Playing on the main branch via Steam, not beta.) Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Aira Lee

    (Same poster here, had to register to comment.) I just looked through my equipment and apparently one of my items gives me +3 intelligence. I didn’t even realize that. So in that case, it seems likely that the issue isn’t a bug so much as a lack of information on the character screen, since it doesn’t display (as far as I can see) your base attributes, only your modified ones. I put a point into intelligence and was able to buy Tinkering.

    I would request that the character screen be adjusted in the future to show both base and modified attributes, for clarity. Thanks!

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