[ui beta] pursuant to #11582, "toggle all" on the trade menu no longer visually updates which items are being traded

Issue #11607 resolved
eva problems created an issue

this is new behavior after the implementation of #11582. your carry weight and barter cost will update themselves appropriately with the proposed new weight/cost of what you’ve selected to transfer, but since categories don’t list their total weights in trade view, it would take a lot of keypresses to verify. if you remove your category filtering, the display will update with all selected items highlighted and their trade quantities present, but ideally it would update with that information before you have to do an extra press/sort. also in order to remove individual items from the “toggle all” filtered selection, you have to select them twice. the first selection highlights them and makes their trade quantity appear as though you’re only just now selecting them to trade, but weight and barter cost are unaffected. the second selection removes their highlight, trade quantity, weight, and value from the overall trade, but makes them once more indistinguishable with everything else in the category that’s been hit with toggle all.

i love the way toggle all restricts itself to the filtered category and thank you so much for putting it in, it’s just not quite right yet.

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