haRoHI description could be clarified

Issue #11732 resolved
jojoknob created an issue

The Ruin of House Isner description says:

Critical hits scored with this weapon bestow a +4 bonus to its penetration rolls.
Whenever you discharge a full barrel of ammo with this weapon, you automatically score a critical hit with the last shot you fire.

“Full barrel of ammo” seems off, like barrel should be cylinder for a revolver. It is also misleading because you don’t need to expend a “full” cylinder, the mechanic occurs on the last round of the cylinder. So if you load a single slug it will work.

The +4 bonus statement is also a bit ambiguous. A crit with Isner is +2 +4, because the natural crit still counts and is not replaced. On the last round you get the +4 but not necessarily the +2.

The last shot also has perfect aim which isn’t mentioned. Maybe that’s a fun easter egg.

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