After completing very first quest with Argyve (Fetch me a Knickknack or similar), he will no longer speak with me, not even the "Argyve has nothing to say"

Issue #11777 resolved
Jeremy Hansen created an issue

I assume my save game will be required to look into this. I only just started, am in Roleplay mode, on the beta version, no mods, and didn’t realize anything was wrong until looking it up today.

Yesterday or the day before, I gave him an unidentified artifact. He was saying something, but before I read it, it was like my character had darted out of the house to the NW**. After moving back to Argyve, he will no longer interact with me at all. No message about him having nothing to say, just a sound effect I can sort of hear when I click on him, or Talk in his direction.

**edit: I was playing with a controller at the time, but how I left the house was as though I clicked in the top left of the screen <which> likely happened on my mouse inadvertently. So perhaps generating this issue just has to do with leaving the dialog with Argyle unexpectedly, even through move?**

Thought I knew where the save file was to grab, but where I looked (Appdata / LocalLow / Freehold Games / CavesOfQud / Saves) was empty. More than happy to send in anything I can to help track this down.

++ Late addition:

I’m attaching an image of the message log from when the issue occurred. It appears I leveled at the same time, so that could be related. I leveled and sprinted away before completing the dialog I think.

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