Change some of the nephilim achievements

Issue #11827 resolved
John Snail created an issue

Having 6 achievements for every number of nephilim killed in a single playthrough is pretty silly. They’re not like the sludge achievements where you can reasonably assume they may be done one at a time; if you can kill 2 nephilim you’ll likely kill 3, and killing 4 nephilim requires commitment to killing all 6.

I suggest keeping the achievements for killing 1, 3 and 6, and changing the others into one of these:

Pacify one of the Girsh nephilim. I was expecting this as an achievement. Unless you’re super lucky with discovering cradles, it’s less grindy than killing all 6.

Emit an irisdual beam. Teaches players that they can grant this ability to their golem, or even dominate one of the nephilim.

Defeat one of the Girsh nephilim by yourself, at level 24 or lower. You can be very powerful at level 24; by the time you’re experienced enough to kill the nephilim this should be a fair challenge. Prevents easily cheesing with a golem or Temporal Fugue. Make sure the achievement is granted before XP is awarded lol

Survive being hit directly with an irisdual beam. “Being hit directly” means you can’t be in a golem or other vehicle, which are guaranteed to tank it. Reliably achievable with 300+ HP and high elemental resistances, which are common stats in late-game runs.

Pacify six of the Girsh nephilim in a single playthrough. …well, it’s only slightly more grindy than killing them!

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    yeah I’m ambivalent about so many of the new achievements being ‘freebies’, granted I’m not really an achievement hunter so it doesn’t affect me either way.
    I’m definitely surprised pacifying all of them isn’t one, if nothing else is changed I think that’s an obvious one to add.

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