-enter- on collapsed skill tree

Issue #11849 open
jojoknob created an issue

I suggest making -enter- on the collapsed skill tree unfurl the tree rather than buy the first skill in the tree. If you just wanted to look at skills and bought the first item instead, it’s an expensive mistake to make.

Similarly, I would find it useful to add a confirmation for tinkering mods or items. An accidental -enter- may consumer bits and you may not be able to get them back. It’s convenient for spamming grenades, but in that case I would prefer being able to enter a batch number like you can if you press space on the trade screen.

Comments (7)

  1. jojoknob reporter

    @Ashe fair enough, maybe it has precedent but because enter does unfurl a heading in other parts of the UI such as the trade screen it leads me to have the same expectation so I almost always press enter to view skills, then yes I get the confirmation prompt and back out of it before remembering how to unfurl it.

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