Legendaries not giving REP with factions listed in description

Issue #11872 resolved
ViWalls created an issue

I’m playing the latest beta. As you can see in the screenshot I performed the Water ritual with Chrome Idol and despite the description indicates it’s loved by Naphtaali and Robots, it gives with Merchant’s Guild (probably because it’s a hired guard, but this wasn’t happening before beta). You can check the REP given in log.

Also I noticed that sometimes when Legendaries have two factions listed in the same sentence (like the first paragraph displayed in the screenshot) and you perform a water ritual with them, not being hired guards, they only give REP with one of both factions listed and not the two of them. So this led me to believe something is not working as intended.

IDK if this is the proper place to post this or if you need more information, feel free to point the format and required stuff if I report again in the future. It’s my first time using Bitbucket (I only know Github).

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