Insect Lairs in River terrain have no boss

Issue #11873 invalid
TheGentlingCone created an issue

All the Insect lairs on river tiles are Dragonfly lairs - but when entered there are no dragonflies and no boss. There is an endless sea of ants (fire, worker, queen), agolflys and agolzvuv.

I thought it might because they’re low tier or what have you… but the croc lairs populate just fine - they’re filled with breathbeards but the boss is still a legendary croc. Dragonflies are spawning just fine on regular river tiles too. So I don’t know, hopefully it’s just my save corrupted and everything looks okay when you check fingers crossed.

Edit: Well I looked like a fool real quick. I found a lair with an intact dragonfly in it. Maybe they’re dying real quick and their bodies destroyed by acid as ants attack things? I couldn’t find a delete button for this issue good luck.

Edit2: Yeah, it died within 3 turns of entering the zone. So even though it’s not a ‘not having a boss’ issue, maybe it is an ant issue.

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