(sifrah) crash with beta sifrah water ceremony

Issue #11886 wontfix
Adam Lang created an issue

Not sure if I should be avoiding mods until you’re out of beta or something, but I have the current beta (App ID: 333640, Build ID: 14551658, updated May 30 2024 at 3:29 PM). When I do a water ceremony with Sifrah (tried it with the Mayor of Joppa and the joppa farmer dude), the game plays out until I’m finished, and then it just stops. It isn’t obvious what’s going on… it doesn’t seem like an infinite loop, the CPU usage doesn’t trend up or anything. It just doesn’t respond to any keypresses aside from command-q. Says ‘Press space or enter to continue’ but they don’t do anything.

Mods active:


Im attaching a copy of the process sample, though I don’t immediately see anything obvious.

Comments (4)

  1. Adam Lang reporter

    Noooo! That’s like a third of the fun of the whole game. :-P

    I assume that it is twined too far into the source for someone else (e.g. me) to take over maintaining it?

  2. John Snail

    If it’s no longer maintained, does that mean it’s getting removed from the source in the future? I always found it strange that Chaos' mods were baked into the game instead of just using Harmony patches, especially with their bugs surfacing in vanilla.

    I assume that it is twined too far into the source for someone else (e.g. me) to take over maintaining it?

    It could be ported to an actual mod but you’d need a little knowledge of Intermediate Language to inject code in the right places.

  3. Adam Lang reporter

    I have 25 years of experience in software engineering and I have never heard of ‘Intermediate Language’. It sounds dreadful, but I could probably figure it out. What in the world is it doing in my Mac app? :-P

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