[#bugs] Feature request: a *haul items* function like in CDDA that lets you move lots of...

Issue #1191 wontfix
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: helado, Who Knits the Icy Cream

Message (jump):

<EB> Feature request: a haul items function like in CDDA that lets you move lots of items beyond your max capability at the expense of turns https://discord.com/channels/214532333900922882/447175754330144781/741826425287344149

Comments (3)

  1. Ezequiel Birman

    Hi. I am the OP. The end result should be equivalent to making several travels back and forth in order to move items. I didn’t read the CDDA source code but I play it once in a while; when you activate the command, you start hauling whatever lies on the ground spending the turns necessary in order to carry the action, and it stops hauling when you toggle the command again.

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