[#beta-bugs] Ontological Anchors are borked at the moment. Their behavior is unusual and does...

Issue #11913 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe, Legendary Lunar Regent

Message (jump):

<honda, axe assassin> Ontological Anchors are borked at the moment. Their behavior is unusual and does not match the behavior on the stable branch.

The attached video shows the following:
The Ontological Anchor does not incur any normality onto the user without outside influence once activated, nor does the Ontological Anchor contest any reality-distorting actions once activated.
Normality gas still functions as expected. However, upon entering and exiting a cloud of normality gas, the player was astrally burdened for much longer than normal, up until the Ontological Anchor is deactivated.

Hopefully the Primary.sav file can be of assistance, as I have no means to inspect/decipher it personally.

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