[#beta-bugs] macOS full screen hangs when switching spaces

Issue #11937 duplicate
Todd Smith created an issue

When playing in full screen on macOS (14.5), switching spaces (i.e., virtual desktops) away and back again usually causes the “beachball of death” to appear forever. The game must then be quit externally (Steam Stop button, Finder Force Quit..., shell kill, etc.). It does not seem to matter what state the game itself is in — splash screen, character creation, primary gameplay, option menu, etc.

When the problem manifests, it occurs during the very first space switch; if it didn’t happen, then I can keep playing without fear of future incident. I think that the problem occurs most frequently when a space switch occurs before the game receives any input; I can often get away with navigating a few screens and playing a few moves before switching spaces in order to stabilize the game. I haven’t been able to suss out the exact conditions or I would document them precisely. I experimented extensively before writing this bug report in the hopes of isolating an exact set of circumstances, but no dice, sorry.

I can basically always reproduce the problem like so:

  1. Open the game in full screen (which will always occupy a new space at the end)
  2. Move the space anywhere else in the list of spaces
  3. Switch to another space than the game
  4. Switch back to the game space
  5. Enjoy hang

I have better luck playing if I never move the space, though I have definitely seen the game hang in the last space. I usually move the space to live adjacent to some work space, so that I can bounce between work and Qud.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to try anything specific to obtain more information for you. I appreciate that this is a big year for Qud and that you are extremely busy, so I understand if there are bigger fish to fry. Live and drink.

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