IsGiganticCreature checks for Gigantic tag before Gigantic property

Issue #12058 open
John Snail created an issue

This prevents you from making a typically gigantic creature normal-sized.

Comments (6)

  1. kernelmethod

    not sure I get this, seems like you should either be able to do

    <removetag Name="Gigantic" />

    or (probably more idiomatically)

    <tag Name="Gigantic" Value="*delete" />

  2. John Snail reporter

    That would make all entities of a type not gigantic. To clarify, IsGiganticCreature checking for the tag first prevents you from setting the Gigantic property to -1 to make one instance of an entity normal-sized.

  3. kernelmethod

    I assume in that case you mean that you’re setting the Gigantic property dynamically, so you can just do

    <object Name="SomeCreature" Load="Merge">
      <tag Name="Gigantic" Value="*delete" />
      <intproperty Name="Gigantic" Value="1" />
      <part Name="YourCustomPartThatDynamicallySetsTheGiganticIntProperty" />

  4. John Snail reporter

    I’d rather not tamper with object blueprints, especially when swapping the two checks would be much simpler and cleaner.

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