[#bugs] Bell of Rest not ticking in Tomb of the Eaters

Issue #12211 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: kernelmethod

Message (jump):

<mcflynty> Hello! I have been newly admited and I need to share a bug I have encountered recently. It involves the Tomb of the Eaters and its timer breaking. At first it only happened on the lowest layer of it however soon enough the timer broke on not just layer 2 but also in the actual TOMBS layer 3. I have it on stream where it simply stopped even showing up on those floors and I dont know why. I should also probably note that I have 0 Mods installed

Comments (6)

  1. kernelmethod

    Broke = “timer wasn’t showing up” here

    Compare with #12031

    I was streaming Qud a few days ago, finally able to tackle the Tomb, this was my second ever time entering so I knew about the floor timer that tele'd you. However, due to encumbrance I Recoiled out a few times. However when I returned the floor timer... wasn't showing up, i could wait 8000 rounds and it wouldn't teleport me regardless of where I was. At first it only effected the first/ Lowest floor, so I thought it was a simple bug. However as I accended the Tombs it began happening to more and more floors

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