Equipping helmets/faces with multiple heads

Issue #12357 open
JRB created an issue

There have always been issues with auto-equipping multiple two-faced helmets, but these seem to have become a lot worse with recent updates. Serene visage is routinely positioning itself on the wrong head. And the auto-equip AI will often try to put a new face into a visage slot when no empty slot is available, which can result in the parent helmet (on another head) being removed; but this can lead to another visage being forced out, and so another helmet, etc.

(My current chimera just took off 4 helmets when I tried to auto-equip a face; this problem makes auto-equip essentially useless for my head/face slots. I like to swap helmets and faces around quite a lot on many-headed chimeras, so this is a real nuisance.)

With apologies for repeating something I’ve suggested before, I think that there should be restrictions on where serene/terrifying visages can be placed; I think they should only be placeable on faces attached to the head with the helmet. (For instance, it shouldn’t be possible to wear a helmet with a serene visage on a head with no face.)

If you don’t like that idea, an alternative would be an optional setting disallowing auto-equip from ever unequipping things; if no empty slots are available, it would just report failure. Or perhaps it would even be enough for the auto-equip AI to deprioritize face slots with serene/terrifying visages in them.

Comments (3)

  1. JRB reporter

    I should have mentioned that the issues with two-faced are not only connected with the auto-equip AI. When we equip a two-faced helmet, the new equipment slot is often be attributed to the incorrect head. My chimera currently has an “extra face” slot on the head with Horns on it.

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