multiplying arconauts

Issue #12501 invalid
JRB created an issue

In my current game, the number of arconauts at the Six Day Stilt is vastly greater than usual, and seems to be increasing every time I visit. I think they’re generating in one zone (E, where there are currently around 250) )and moving into the neighbouring zones. (At one point I cleared the SE zone of them---I think there were 150ish---,but a few visits later there are 80 or so there.) It’s not a big deal at all, but it’s so weird that I think there must be a bug involved.

The only thing I’m doing differently from usual this run is that I enabled save and load. I don’t know whether that could be relevant.

Comments (6)

  1. JRB reporter

    I’ve investigated a bit more, and it’s not just arconauts being duplicated; it’s affecting many of the creatures in the Stilt. I started another game with the same settings, and the problem didn’t reoccur.

  2. JRB reporter

    I accidentally deleted that save, but in my new game I’m getting similar behaviour. A (lost) mechanimist pilgrim in the S zone of the Stilt is getting repeatedly duplicated. I can’t see any legitimate source of cloning. I suspect this is connected to save/load being enabled (and my despicable save-scumming for merchant restocks). I’ve attempted to attach the save.

  3. JRB reporter

    By the way, it gets really disruptive to performance when there are 200+ creatures in one zone, so I hope you’ll look at this. (But I’m not sure whether you’re seeing these comments now that the issue has been marked as invalid?)

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