Beguiling -> Dominating -> Stranding in a Legendary Snapjaw Warlord makes all NPCs permanently non-hostile.

Issue #12533 on hold
Mitchell Petolillo created an issue

Step 1: Find and beguile a Legendary Snapjaw Warlord

Step 2: Dominate it.

Step 3: Kill your original body (stranding your mind)

Step 4: Leave the current map (enemies on the current map tile do not appear initially impacted by this bug)

Result: All entities are permanently non-hostile, regardless of current faction standing. They remain non-hostile even when attacked. Not even wearing the Amaranthine Prism when talking to Warden Indrix will cause him to become hostile, despite the conversation option appearing.

Comments (4)

  1. Mitchell Petolillo reporter

    Debug save added. I no longer have the original save with the starting Acolyte (domination, beguiling, and proselytize with max ego). But I do have the save from that character that had stranded in a non-legendary Snapjaw Warlord, and was able to locate the legendary warlord I had the bug with. You will have to Wish for domination and beguiling, but I did use this save to retest the issue, and was able to reproduce it. The legendary warlord in question is just north of the character in this save.

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