Recipe Permanently Removes Hitpoints

Issue #12544 duplicate
paul.t.readel created an issue

Character recipe with specific combinations of effects permanently removes hitpoints when metabolizing effects expire.


  • Guaranteed to be tasty if eaten while hungry.
  • +10-15% max HP
  • 75% chance that itchy skin doesn’t develop into fungal infection.

When recipe is eaten the log indicates max HP is increased by XX% percentage but actual max HP remains at the current base value. When the recipe effects expire HP is permanently reduced by XX% instead. 😢

Tested with two other recipes with max HP increasing effects and they behave normally. Seems to only occur when a specific combination of effects occur together.

Game save attached (I think, not sure exactly what is required for a full save). HP reducing recipe is called Nuramuq's Jerky Salt-Pickled Mushrooms

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