[#bugs] **Crowsong "bug":**With pre-release content disabled, crowsong's metamorphosis ...

Issue #12607 open
freeholdissuebot created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: clone of Ashe

Message (jump):

<alex271577> Crowsong "bug":
With pre-release content disabled, crowsong's metamorphosis is treated as mental mutation, though doesn't gain points from ego and is not eligible for rapid mutation.
With pre-release content enabled it's description/being treated as physical seems ok.
Self-farming exp:
Repeteadly cloning and killing yourself allows for infinite leveling.
Metamorphotic inception:
With pre-release enabled, as a chimera with metamorphosis:
1) clone yourself
2) morph into your clone
3) since the clone has meta, you can morph again into your clone
Technically if you repeat point num. 3) 50 times, you return to your original body after 50 consecutive "end metamorphosis".
But if you repeat point num. 3) for a few hundred times (can be on-and-off aka repeat 50 -> return original -> repeat 50 -> return etc. , but has to be in the same screen) a clone of pc appears somewhere (in my case a few tiles away from water cave in joppa, despite me staying near recoil point) on the map and you body swap into it. The clone is also morphed into your last morphed target, so you can return to your "original" body, while remaining a clone. Your real original body just randomly wanders around the screen. After a while names are updated, but equipment remains on the clone.

My suggestion would be disabling metamorphosis while metamorphed.

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