Force bubble can leave permanent force fields when transitioning near screen corners

Issue #13 resolved
syntaxaire created an issue

This was difficult to reproduce so you probably won’t see it unless you follow this reproduction.

Steps to reproduce in beta:

Create a character with all defaults except Force Bubble.

Go to the top left corner of the Joppa screen.

Generate the surrounding 3 maps by pressing 8, then 4, then 2, then return to Joppa by pressing 6.

Activate Force Bubble.

Press 7 to travel to the screen to the northwest.

Wait for Force Bubble to expire.

Press 3 to travel back to Joppa.

Wait for Force Bubble to become available again.

Activate Force Bubble a second time.

Press 7 to travel to the screen to the northwest.

Press 7 again to take one step away from the corner.

Wait for Force Bubble to expire.

Visit the other two screens to see the permanent force fields.

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