[#beta-bugs] Dromad traders that are psychic thralls do properly spawn without any gear, but ...

Issue #144 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: asphalt-stained bug

Message (jump):

<TheBlackHand> Dromad traders that are psychic thralls do properly spawn without any gear, but their accompanying caravan guards are fully kitted beyond what their difficulty should be. This can turn entire map tiles into no-go areas unless you're brokenly powerful.

Comments (2)

  1. chaos

    i guess let me know what you’d like to happen here, if anything

    as far as i can tell, lore-wise, the caravan guards are staying with the enthralled traders out of some kind of obligation that isn’t discharged by the trader having become enthralled, so there’s no obvious reason they wouldn’t have their full kit

    but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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