Conflict between Horns and rapid mutation dialogs

Issue #1535 resolved
Former user created an issue

It seems like the extra dialog for selecting the appearance of the Horns mutation conflicts with the dialog for selecting a mutation to rapidly advance - at least there's something there that interferes with the way it otherwise functions.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Level up a mutant (I used a chimera but it likely doesn't matter) to lvl 5, with enough MP to grab a new mutation

  2. When the dialog comes up asking if you'd like to get a new mutation before rapidly advancing one, select 'yes'

  3. Select 'Horns' from the mutation options, then select 'antlers' on the horn type prompt (likely doesn't matter, but I've only confirmed it with antlers)

Expected behavior would be for the next screen to come up to be the 'select mutation to rapidly advance' screen. Instead, the game goes back to the regular gameplay screen, skipping over the rapid mutation for the level altogether. None of the other mutations I've tried with do this, though it's conceivable that the flaming/freezing hands mutations would do the same since they also include a sub-dialog. They just didn't happen to come up as mutation options when I was testing to make sure I could reproduce it without the mods I normally play with.

The issue is present as of 201.15 of the beta branch; I first ran into it yesterday and was able to reproduce it after Steam auto-updated CoQ this morning.

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