Schemasoft "armor, medium" implant was installed but it didn't give me schematics.

Issue #1592 resolved
Former user created an issue

My character is a lvl 27 Truekin preatorian with Tinker II and several other tinker/mod skills. I installed the "schemasoft [armor, medium]" implant on my character's head but I haven't gotten the armor schematics I'm supposed to get. On the equipment screen I can see the implant installed but when I open the Tinker/mod screen under the "build" tab it says I don't have any schematics.

Comments (4)

  1. Timothy Collier

    I am the person who submitted this report, just wanted to update that I have since installed two more schemasoft mods and both times I again wasn’t given the schematics that the implant was supposed to unlock for me. I don’t know why, but it appears that any schemasoft implant that I install fails to give me the corresponding schematics.

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