[#beta-bugs] removing one mod and adding another while the game is running and then reloading...

Issue #1785 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: heladohart

Message (jump):

<heladohart> removing one mod and adding another while the game is running and then reloading mod configuration can result in the cover image of the removed mod being misattributed to the added one

Comments (5)

  1. Sol

    i have new information: my mod that’s taking on the wrong cover has no cover of its own, and it also seems to take on the cover of the mod listed right before it in the mod list

  2. exsanguination microtubules

    Still ran into this in latest beta (.27) when downloading pets and then re-opening the mod menu - not sure if you merged in the fix yet or not, but figured I’d mention it in case. @Corey Frang

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