[#beta-bugs] [modding] `WishHandler.UpdateCommandCollection` fails to properly handle regex w...

Issue #1947 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: exsanguination microtubules

Message (jump):

<exsanguination microtubules> [modding] WishHandler.UpdateCommandCollection fails to properly handle regex wish commands with 0 parameters. This line results in an IndexOutOfRangeException, which causes the game to not load the wish.
cs if ((parameters.Count() != 0 && parameters.Count() != 1) || parameters[0].ParameterType != typeof(Match))
Here's an example wish signature that it fails to load for this reason:
cs [WishCommand(Regex = @"[Tt]est ?[Mm]enu")] public static void Wish()

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