Pathfinding Followers near edge of map

Issue #2027 new
Donald Duck 001 created an issue

While saltpanning with two waterbound followers, I noticed that if I hugged the south edge of the map tile, the two followers couldn’t follow me. If I moved 2-3 tiles away from the map edge, they followed me like normal.

I’ve recently noticed an improvement to pathfinding that causes followers and monsters to take a circular path towards the player instead of a straight path, which prevents getting stuck in a conga line. This pathfinding error is likely a result of trying to take a curved path that leaves the map boundaries.

Comments (4)

  1. Donald Duck 001 reporter

    EDIT: This bug is not consistent. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s about 50/50. The farther I am from my followers, the more consistent this bug.

    EDIT EDIT: This bug might not have anything to do with the map border at all. Just walking in large circles 3-4 squares away from the map edge is enough to get the followers “stuck” occasionally. It is entirely possible that two followers have a chance of getting stuck on eachother.

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: Followers have pathfinding issues in general. Even with few or no obstacles, a follower 2-3 squares from me has a 50/50 chance of not walking up to the enemy I am fighting. They don’t have ranged weapons. Giving my followers the Jump and Charge abilities has helped somewhat.

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