[#beta-bugs] proselytizing a beguiled companion (so that they have both statuses) then beguil...

Issue #206 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: kindlethumbed helado

Message (jump):

<kindlethumbed helado> proselytizing a beguiled companion (so that they have both statuses) then beguiling a different creature turns the first companion hostile, even though they're still proselytized

Comments (5)

  1. Sol

    they seem to not be a companion, since i can’t order them around anymore either. but proselytizing them again still fails because they’re already proselytized

  2. Noelle Lavenza

    Cannot reproduce—might be fixed? I can still order around both companions, and the first companion is nonhostile and has had the beguiled status removed. I believe this is because Proselytize overwrites the Brain.PartyMembers[ID] mapping, meaning Beguiled loses its support and is removed.

  3. Armithaig

    Aha, accidentally fixed this in reef when making the slynth asterisk.

    Should probably re-triage these old bugs at some point.

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