Cooking Bug: Oven that should grant Psychometry doesn't add Psychometry

Issue #2061 resolved
Donald Duck 001 created an issue

The Oven in Ezra that grants Psychometry does add Psychometry to the “a”bilities list, but DOESN’T add the ability to “i”dentify artifacts. I tried identifying chem cells, tonics, and other basic items, but none were identifiable using psychometry.

Save file attached. Good luck with the cooking bugs 🙂

Comments (5)

  1. Donald Duck 001 reporter

    Update: On the same save, when I cooked with sun dried bananas manually, I got the Psychometry ability that was able to identify artifacts as normal. It was only the Ezra Oven that had the bugged version of the recipe.

  2. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated

    Is this still the case? I ask because I’ve been playing True Kin from 201.34 and up and the oven always worked for me, enough so that I could use Psychometry to learn how to craft bullets and other low tier items.

    Also, it enhances my Psychometry skill correctly if I play as a mutant with the skill as of the latest beta version of the game.

  3. chaos

    This seems to have been fixed in the time since I initially verified it. Apparently will be resolved in next patch.

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